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This document describes our organization. It should give a brief overview how we are working on things and where you might need to reach out to.

📎 Diagram

Organization Diagram

⭐️ Contributors

Basically everybody who helps the project is a contributor. We even see users as valuable contributors. In case you raise a question, report a bug or request a feature, you are already contributing to the project.

Let us thank you for your contribution. It is lovely to have you in our community.

💪 Special Interest Groups

Every group of contributors can form a Special Interest Group (SIG). If you are into Design, Blogging, Container, or whatever helps the project moving forward, please feel free to form a group or join an existing one.

A SIG must follow some rules to be created and seen as maintained:

  • there must be at least 3 permanent members
  • every SIG must fill in Product Requirements Document to describe its purpose, objectives and paradigms
  • the PRD must be reviewed once a year
  • every SIG must have regular, public meetings (ex: every week in IRC)
  • the request to open a SIG must be done as a pull request in our organizational repository
  • the pull request will be reviewed, refined and approved by the board, but all community members are invited to support

After the approval, a SIG can start with the work. There will be an initial Meeting with the Board and one other SIG to discuss the next steps and demand.

🎯 Board

The board is made up of permanent SIG members and represents the project. It is meant as a challenger for ideas, menthor and advisor for the SIGs. In addition, the Board will take care of knowledge gathering and sharing.

There is a voting once a year where every SIG is proposing a candidate. The list of proposed candidates will be made available and the voting will be held anonymously. The new Board will discuss a grace period for handover and methorship from previous board members.

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